第十屆 臺北藝穗節 Taipei Fringe Festival
When I left home, I knew a lot would happen, but it was also disappearing at the same time. What we have experienced is an atmosphere. You brought an atmosphere into my life, and that is enough.
The concept of creation is inspired from Martha Norman's "Night, Mother".
Represented in the form of physical theatre, it explores the issue of conflicts in values between mothers and daughters in immigrant families of different nationalities, as well as the feeling of being an outsider in a foreign society.
| 演出時間 Date Time |
2017,8,26 Sat. 15:00 |19:30
牯嶺街小劇場 一樓實驗劇場 Guling Street Avant Theatre 1F
| 購票資訊 Ticket |
兩廳院售票系統Arts Ticket:https://goo.gl/ofMDiq
表演者-- Performers
| 台灣 Taiwan |
簡欣如 Eva Chien 演員/製作 Actor/ Producer
王韵心 Yunhsin Wang 演員/平面設計 Actor/ Graphic design
何姿瑩 Tzuying Ho 演員/舞者 Actor/ Dancer
羅德弘 Evan Luo 演員/舞者 Actor/ Dancer
| 港澳 HongKong/ Macao |
陳智青 Chan Chi Cheng 粵語演員/舞者/動作設計 Cantonese Cantonese Actor/ Dancer/ Choreography
言瞳依 Kady Cheung 粵語演員Cantonese Actor
設計團隊-- Design Team
簡培如 Pearl Chien導演/服裝設計/裝置 Director/ Costume Designer / Set Decorator
徐瑋澤 Hsu, Wei-Tse 排練助理 Rehearsal assistant
吳思嫻 Star Wu音樂設計 Sound Designer
吳 昀 Winnie Wu Yun 燈光設計 Lighting Designer
黃詩婷 Shihting Huang 影像設計 Film Designer
曾馨瑩 Momo Tseng 劇照攝影 Still Photographer
Coochad 酷爵.都會機能
北藝大游泳館 Taipei artist University Swimming Pool
納豆劇場 Nadou Theatre